
Showing posts from March, 2022

Why is freedom of speech important - The Jamal Khashoggi Story

  WHY IS FREEDOM OF SPEECH IMPORTANT The importance of press freedom, freedom of information and free speech in modern society seems as though it should exist without saying, however in many cases around the world this is not the case, journalists are being killed left, right and centre just for expressing an opinion that does not align with societies current views or is harmful to a powerful individual. Sometimes journalists are not killed or murdered, but they are sacked from their jobs, harassed or even abused for what they publish. Press freedom and freedom of speech are important because it acts as a voice of the general public, and without the opinion and say of the public, a government cannot form. A functioning society needs to have opinions from all angles and media organisations should not be overly biased. The murder of Jamal Khashoggi proved the injustices that some journalists face around the world. It is reported that the reason Jamal Khashoggi was killed, was purely ...

Article Analysis 3

     Issue: China Eastern Airlines Crash Article 1: Footage shows China Eastern Airlines plane nosediving before crash, authorities report 'no survivors' found among wreckage Link:  Footage shows China Eastern Airlines plane nosediving before crash, authorities report 'no survivors' found among wreckage - ABC News What is this article about? Why is it in the media : This article is about the shock plane crash that occurred on a domestic flight on China Eastern Airlines. This article is in the media because it was a shock to the world, the event was highly significant and somewhat suspicious, and all 123 individuals on the plane were killed due to the crash. Where did you find out about this article? What media organisations did you access?: I found this article on ABC, it was on the homepage as one of their trending or popular articles, it was also featured under the editor’s choice section of the homepage. Were a range of opinions presented?: YES/ NO No there were n...

Article Analysis 2

  Issue: Major Flooding in NSW and QLD Article 1: “Heartbreaking” Australia’s East-Coast reels from worst floods in living memory Link: 'Heartbreaking': Australia's east coast reels from worst floods in living memory | NSW and Queensland floods 2022 | The Guardian What is this article about? Why is it in the media : This article is giving voice to the disheartened and suffering residents of flood-ravaged and flood-affected communities. Its purpose is to help raise awareness about just how severe these floods were and help to provide insight as to what it’s like experiencing a natural disaster at this level. This article is in the media because the floods of Northern NSW and Southern QLD are prominent issues in Australia at the moment, and they are affecting many Australians and their families. The role of the media is to raise awareness about this situation. Where did you find out about this article? What media organisations did you access?: I found this article in the ...

Infowars vs Spectator Analysis

  Article 1: Net-zero or national defence? Morrison must choose (Spectator) Link: Net zero or national defence? Morrison must choose | The Spectator Australia What is this article about? Why is it in the media : This article is written as an analysis about Scott Morrison, and the type of leader he is. This article is in the media because there is an upcoming election in Australia, and the world is currently being highly critical of Scott Morrison’s handling of climate change. Where did you find out about this article? What media organisations did you access?: I found this article on Spectator Australia, it was an editor's choice article, I accessed The Spectator Australia to find this article. Were a range of opinions presented?: YES/ NO Was the issue predominately presented positively or negatively? POSITIVE/ NEGATIVE What were some of the opinions provided in the news story?: The main opinion that was presented in this article, was the severe analysis and criticism of Scott Morri...

Careers in Finance

  SPENDING YOUR TIME IN ECONOMICS By Reva, Cy and Ruby Are you curious about how the economy functions? What information do you need to know to get a career in economics? Blackburn High School offers a range of finance, economic and business-related electives to help you gain more knowledge and strive to achieve a career in this category. One of the electives offered to students in Year 10 is ‘Money, Money, Money.’ This subject consists of learning about the sharemarket game, the risks in investing, ethics in business, influences on the economy, fluctuation, supply and demand as well as more. We got the chance to interview a ‘Money, Money, Money’ class that was currently learning about corporate social responsibility (CSR) as well as stakeholders in business and managed to receive some information about the subject. Ms Kodak, a first time ‘Money, Money, Money’ teacher, recommends this subject to future year 10 students as “it is a relevant subject”, with fresh news every week, the ...