Infowars vs Spectator Analysis

 Article 1: Net-zero or national defence? Morrison must choose (Spectator)

Link: Net zero or national defence? Morrison must choose | The Spectator Australia

What is this article about? Why is it in the media: This article is written as an analysis about Scott Morrison, and the type of leader he is. This article is in the media because there is an upcoming election in Australia, and the world is currently being highly critical of Scott Morrison’s handling of climate change.

Where did you find out about this article? What media organisations did you access?:

I found this article on Spectator Australia, it was an editor's choice article, I accessed The Spectator Australia to find this article.

Were a range of opinions presented?: YES/NO

Was the issue predominately presented positively or negatively? POSITIVE/NEGATIVE

What were some of the opinions provided in the news story?:

The main opinion that was presented in this article, was the severe analysis and criticism of Scott Morrison’s leadership, they questioned his priorities.

What is your opinion on the article? Why?:

My opinion on the article is that it was a really interesting insight as to what the Media thinks about Scott Morrison and his leadership, it also makes me question what the PM actually cares about and why.

Article 2: Will Biden Sanction Half the World to “Isolate” Russia?


Will Biden Sanction Half the World to “Isolate” Russia?

What is this article about? Why is it in the media:

This article is an opinion piece published on the news organisation, Infowars. It is about the US president Joe Biden and his tactics to “Isolate” Russia. It is currently in the Media because the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is currently ongoing and is a global issue.

Where did you find out about this article? What media organisations did you access?:

I found this article on Infowars, it was an opinion piece, therefore it was not a fact-based article, rather someone’s interpretation of an issue.

Were a range of opinions presented?: YES/NO

Was the issue predominately presented positively or negatively? POSITIVE/NEGATIVE

There were not opinions presented positively or negatively

What were some of the opinions provided in the news story?:

Some of the opinions provided in the article were that Joe Biden’s attempt to isolate Russia will have a negative impact on the rest of the world and that it could be a successful strategy

Source: Spectator Australia
