Article Analysis 2
Issue: Major Flooding in NSW and QLD
Article 1: “Heartbreaking” Australia’s East-Coast reels from worst floods in living memory
What is this article about? Why is it in the media: This article is giving voice to the disheartened and suffering residents of flood-ravaged and flood-affected communities. Its purpose is to help raise awareness about just how severe these floods were and help to provide insight as to what it’s like experiencing a natural disaster at this level. This article is in the media because the floods of Northern NSW and Southern QLD are prominent issues in Australia at the moment, and they are affecting many Australians and their families. The role of the media is to raise awareness about this situation.
Where did you find out about this article? What media organisations did you access?:
I found this article in the Guardian, it was published on the 4th of March 2022, it was on the front headlines page and was one of the first accessible articles.
Were a range of opinions presented?: YES/NO
Yes, there was a range of opinions presented in this article, mainly from suffering victims of the floods.
Was the issue predominately presented positively or negatively? POSITIVE/NEGATIVE
The issue of major flooding on the east coast, costing properties, lives and livelihoods was presented fully in a negative perspective.
What were some of the opinions provided in the news story?:
Some of the opinions provided in the news story were, that the government was not providing enough funding to all affected communities, the government funding was coming too late, this was the worst disaster these residents had seen and that heroism is still present in modern-day society.
What is your opinion on the article? Why?:
My opinion on this article is that it is an effective article because it really showcases what life is like living in a flood-affected community, it provides a range of opinions and does not take this issue lightly. It does not have too much bias from the author which is also a positive for the article.
Article 2: Anger as residents in flooded NSW areas not eligible for disaster payments
Link: Anger as residents in flooded NSW areas not eligible for disaster payments - ABC News
What is this article about? Why is it in the media: This article is about the frustrations of residents in flooded communities because they are currently not eligible for the government’s disaster relief payments. This article is in the media because it is an issue and it is sort of acting as the voice of people, expressing their anger and getting their stories heard. This is to inform the greater public that perhaps more assistance needs to be provided from individuals and the government.
Where did you find out about this article? What media organisations did you access?:
I found this article on ABC, it was published on the 10th of March 2022, once again it was on the homepage of the ABC as it was a popular and trending article.
Were a range of opinions presented?: YES/NO
In this article there were not really a range of opinions presented, rather just the ABC outlining how the government has excluded certain flood-impacted areas.
Was the issue predominately presented positively or negatively? POSITIVE/NEGATIVE
The ABC was critical of the government funding to flood-affected areas, not really presenting opinions, however, the tone was predominantly negative.
What were some of the opinions provided in the news story?:
There were no opinions as such provided in this story, rather just facts, quotes and evidence to support the claim of underfunding from the government in flood-affected areas.
What is your opinion on the article? Why?:
As an article, I do agree that the government has not funded all flood-affected areas and not funded them with enough money, however, this is not a heavily opinion-based article, making it harder to really agree/disagree with what the author is saying/claiming.
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