
Showing posts from February, 2022

Hard News VS Soft News Analysis

Hard News Article: In the Hard News article, Alec Baldwin lawsuit: Halyna Hutchins’ husband names Alec Baldwin in wrongful death suit, I would consider it to be a hard news article for a number of reasons. Firstly the topic, the wrongful murder of a human, a current and ongoing lawsuit against a well-known actor all meet the definition of hard news. This story is current and developing, featuring on the front page of well-known newspapers. The cohesive tone of this article is highly serious, with only the major facts being stated, there is hardly any so-called “fluff” in this piece. The layout of this article is fairly simple, there are pictures relevant to the article, however, there aren’t too many pictures, giving the article a highly text-oriented focus. This piece is not opinion-based, it is purely a factual piece, with no intention of being a source...

A hot and LOVE-ly day to be in the Splash Zone (Swimming Carnival Article)

    A Hot and LOVE- ly Day to be in the Splash Zone 18/02/2022 The Swimming Carnival is an annual tradition at Blackburn High School that is held in the first few weeks of Term One. This year, the exciting event took place on Monday the 14th of February at the Boroondara Sports Complex. With the blazing sun and the excited students as well as teachers all present, the day was nothing but hot and fun. The final scores were nail-biting - with Hollows just edging ahead for the win with a total of 3 points more than Melba; while Freeman came third and Dunlop taking last place for this year. Some of the most popular events at the Carnival include the Big Splash and the noodle race. The day went down a success, with all credit going to our wonderful PE teachers who planned the big day.   We interviewed some teachers and students who participated in the event and managed to get some of their opinions about the carnival. A Year 11 student said she personally did n...

Week 1 - Article Comparison 1 : International Travel back for Australia

Issue:  International Travel in Australia   Article#1:    Where Australia's first international tourists will come from when borders reopen on February 21 What is this article about? Why is it in the media? This article was written in the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) about the recent announcements regarding Australia’s International Border reopening to tourists for the first time in over 2 years. It is in the media for two main reasons, one being because it was in the Prime Minister’s update and the main media corporations will always cover stories from the government, the second reason being that Australians and people around the world have been waiting for this moment for so long. Where did you find out about this article? What media organisations did you access?:  This article was discovered on the government-funded news source the ABC Were ...

STEM Centre Article

  School funds new STEM Building for students 9/02 Blackburn High School has announced that they are currently in the works for a new Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics building - hoping to be built and used by 2023. This project has taken months of planning and designing and now their “state of the art” STEM Center is finally coming to life. Construction began in Term 3 of 2021 when the school had decided to knock down their ‘Old Freeman’ building in order for the STEM building to be built there. Some students and teachers of the Blackburn High School community that were interviewed, have shared their insights and opinions regarding the new STEM center. A year 7 student in Hollows house described the works as “slightly distracting” due to the loud construction noises, however he is “excited to learn” in the STEM center, being ecstatic by the prospect of having his locker moved from the Hollows building to the new area. A year 10 student described the building as “po...