Week 1 - Article Comparison 1 : International Travel back for Australia

Issue:  International Travel in Australia


Article#1:  Where Australia's first international tourists will come from when borders reopen on February 21


What is this article about? Why is it in the media?

This article was written in the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) about the recent announcements regarding Australia’s International Border reopening to tourists for the first time in over 2 years. It is in the media for two main reasons, one being because it was in the Prime Minister’s update and the main media corporations will always cover stories from the government, the second reason being that Australians and people around the world have been waiting for this moment for so long.

Where did you find out about this article? What media organisations did you access?: 

This article was discovered on the government-funded news source the ABC

Were a range of opinions presented?: YES/NO 

This was an article with no bias or opinion, purely made of facts and statements.

Was the issue predominately presented positively or negatively? POSITIVE/NEGATIVE

The tone in the article was overwhelmingly positive, as Australia has been severely impacted through loss in hospitality and travel industry revenues.

What were some of the opinions provided in the news story?: 

Because this article was written and published by the ABC, a wide range of opinions were not present. The ABC has a legacy for being unbiased and not including personal opinions, and this article stated nothing else but the facts.

What is your opinion on the article? Why?:

My personal opinion of this article is that it has an overall positive tone, however, it is hard to form an opinion because this article is almost only facts. In terms of the content in the article, I believe that this is a highly positive step for Australia because we need to send a message to the world saying that we are ready to accept tourists before it becomes too late.



Article#2: CNBC: More countries reopen to travellers signalling a big shift in pandemic thinking


What is this article about? Why is it in the media:

This article is about the global shift in the way the world is thinking about the pandemic. This article is trying to highlight the countries that have recently decided to reopen their borders to the rest of the world, Australia is included. It is in the media because this news organisation is trying to showcase the global mentality shift in terms of the way we treat covid. 

Where did you find out about this article? What media organisations did you access?:

I wanted to have an international perspective on Australia’s border reopening, and the first reliable source I came across was CNBC. This article provided a sufficient overview of what the global view of Australia reopening its border was, as well as putting it in comparison with other countries who are taking similar steps to Australia.

Were a range of opinions presented?: YES/NO

There were definitely opinions presented at the news of Australia’s International borders reopening with a quote from the article being, “The news signalled the end to “Fortress Australia,” a moniker applied to the country’s controversial closed border policy that locked out foreigners and citizens alike.”  That shows that the world had formed an opinion that Australia was perhaps being too strict on the border restrictions. The usage of the word controversial is also noticed, meaning that perhaps the news organisation believe that the border being shut for so long was controversial.

Was the issue predominately presented positively or negatively? POSITIVE/NEGATIVE

The overall tone of this article was overwhelmingly positive because the point of it was to symbolize the way the world is evolving into a covid normal phase, with many countries reopening their borders to the rest of the world.

What were some of the opinions provided in the news story?: 

Some of the opinions in the article, specifically about Australia, are the fact that the world is viewing Australia’s border restrictions as extremely tough, stating that we were treating “tourists and citizens alike.” Another opinion of the cohesive article would be the overall optimism toward a positive covid future, and the ways in which countries plan to thrive, even with high covid case numbers.

What is your opinion on the article? Why?: 

Some of the opinions in the article, specifically about Australia, are the fact that the world is viewing Australia’s border restrictions as extremely tough, stating that we were treating “tourists and citizens alike.” Another opinion of the cohesive article would be the overall optimism toward a positive covid future, and the ways in which countries plan to thrive, even with high covid case numbers.

source: CNBC

